Employer v Employee; who’s responsible for what when it comes to well-being?

Join us to discuss the line between an employers responsibility for their employee's well-being - who's responsible for what?

Date and Time: 24 November 2022 1:00 pm

Location: Online

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It’s an employer’s obligation to ensure an employee is given the best environment and opportunity to thrive while at work.

But when the employee finds themselves involved in an unfortunate, unexpected, or unavoidable situation that impacts their wellbeing…then, where do specific wellbeing responsibilities lie?

  • What SHOULD you, as an employer, do to support them?
  • Who decides where that support starts and stops?
  • And what happens if employee and employer don’t agree?

It can be very hard to determine, and to communicate, where the line is.

That’s why, during this discussion, we want to explore this in a conversation with some of the leading minds on wellbeing.

Lead by our People Lead, Beth Samson, we have a panel of experts, alongside our CEO Paul Devoy, who will explore in greater detail the grey areas of workplace wellbeing and in particular, providing clarity and insights around the part that progressive employers are playing when it comes to employee wellbeing.


Prof. Dame Carol Black

Becky Thoseby, Head of Workplace Wellbeing, Ministry of Justice

Ruth Pott, Head of Workplace Wellbeing, BAM Nuttall

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14th Nov 2023 | Old Billingsgate, London


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