Undertaking an Investors in People assessment can feel daunting. It’s a big commitment, as you open your door to one of our expert practitioners to tell you what’s going really well and how you can Make Work Better.
In order to truly understand the value and impact working with us will have, quite frankly we’d be the worst people to present… You want to hear directly from an employer that’s taken the leap and is reaping the rewards.
That’s why we’re delighted to be joined by Mary Murphy of Proximo Group. When Mary and the team at Proximo first started working with us back in 2016, they had some reservations…
- What impact will accreditation have on our business?
- What impact will accreditation have on our people?
- Is it worth the time?
- Is it worth the money?
- How soon will we start seeing results?
- Is it more than just a badge?
You can be honest… you’ve asked yourselves some of those questions too, right?
That’s why it’s important for you to come along and hear Mary’s story. At times Proximo were considering whether or not to continue working with us, but now 7 years later they’ve achieved We invest in people Gold and are on the right trajectory to attain Platinum status.
Their business and their people are striving towards, and surpassing each and every one of their goals.
They took the leap of faith, stuck with us and have never looked back.
Are you ready to do the same?