What does ChatGPT mean for HR?

Join our Head of People Beth Samson and special guest, award winning author Gethin Nadin as they explore this topic.

Date and Time: 28 March 2023 3:00 pm

Location: Online

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Reactions to ChatGPT in People and HR circles range hugely, from excitement and curiosity to cynicism and outright fear. Is the use of artificial intelligence such as large language models like ChatGPT going to change the People profession? How about the wider world of work?


Beth Samson

OD/People Lead, Investors in People


Beth Samson

I bring our purpose – making work better – to life for the Investors in People team and our network of fantastically talented practitioner/consultants. I am super passionate about mental health and wellbeing more widely at work, and the role employers can take in improving this for their teams. I am open to speaking and networking opportunities on these topics.

I started my career off with a BSc in Biological Sciences but soon discovered that humans at work are the most fascinating! A few years later I gained an MSc in Human Resource Management from the London School of Economics and moved into my dream role at Investors in People.

Gethin Nadin

Award-winning author & CIO, Benefex


Gethin Nadin

Gethin Nadin is an MBPsS Psychologist and Fellow at the RSA, who has worked in HR Tech for more than 20 years. Gethin is a frequent speaker and writer on the subjects of global employee wellbeing, employee engagement, HR, the employee experience, employee benefits and financial wellbeing.

As well as the most well known HR and People Management magazines, Gethin have been published in Forbes, The Financial Times, The Sun, Yahoo News, Buzzfeed, The Huffington Post and The Guardian.

Gethin's published works include Amazon bestseller A World of Good: Lessons From Around the World in Improving the Employee Experience, Das menschliche Büro - The human(e) office, and Work In Progress: Unlocking Wellbeing to Create More Sustainable and Resilient Organisations.

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