Employee Value Propositions
An Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is arguably the single most effective tool an HR Team or Business Owner have to attract, retain and engage great people and talent.
Find out why it’s important to today’s organisations and how Investors in People can help you develop your employee value proposition.
Why are Employee Value Propositions important?
Essentially an employee value proposition describes the return an employee gets in terms of benefits and overall experience, for bringing their skills, capabilities and knowledge to your organisation.
It differentiates you from your competitors, helps you win the best talent and ultimately pushes your organisation from good to great performance.
Let’s be honest, for most of working history people considered a competitive salary to be the key aspect here. But following the turbulence of the last decade, organisations are waking up to the huge potential of expanding the definition of employee value proposition to encompass the whole experience of work.
This is where Investors in People come in.
We push you to think beyond salary, or even providing perks, to make your organisation the kind of place people compete to apply for, and stay at.
We provide a supportive, structured approach to making sure your employee value proposition is quite simply, fantastic.
Over the thirty plus years we’ve supported organisations in making work better, we’ve seen many Employee Value Proposition fads come and go.
The impact of Investors in People
In a recent survery of organisation had been accredited against our We invest in people framework for at least three years, respondents reported the following:
report a positive
impact on training
report a positive
impact on
report a positive
impact on
quality of
report a positive
impact on
staff wellbeing
But we’ll let you in on a secret..
The answer to making your Employee Value Proposition your greatest competitive asset isn’t to be found in any toolkit or template, no matter how trendy. The answer lies with your employees, and no one can tell you better what they want and need than them directly.
That’s why we survey every single person in an organisation as well as speaking to many of them too. You can be confident that when we tell you what your people love, like (and loathe!) it’s an accurate reflection, set in the unique context of your business.
Perhaps you provide a package which includes above average salaries and a very generous employer pension, but you’ve noticed that there’s turnover in your sales team.
After our analysis, we tell you that while the financial aspects of working for your organisation are excellent, there’s a perception that there are limited opportunities for development in roles and that one sales manager in particular has a leadership style misaligned to your culture. As a result, your star sales people are being tempted elsewhere. 12 months and a few of our recommendations later, those star performers are now asking to return.
This is the power of a feedback-driven employee value proposition.
The world of work has changed
Expectations are much higher, and rightly so. A market-leading Employee Value Proposition now includes work-life balance, wellbeing and holistic life support, as well as core compensation and benefits. Plus, it’s offered in a way which is aligned to the organisation’s unique context, culture and values and is customised for the needs and preferences of a diverse workforce. Sounds hard? That’s because it is!
But it doesn’t have to be. Here’s a taste of what we help the organisations working with us, of all sizes and types, provide as part of their Employee Value Proposition:
It should cover the 5 basic building blocks:
(including salary, bonus and any financial rewards) which is fair, well understood, and motivating to a diverse staff group.
Benefits and perks
(including health insurance, pensions, leave etc.) which are tailored to the needs of the workforce and result in a culture of recognition and appreciation.
Lifelong career development
with everyone understanding the opportunities available and a synergy between individual ambitions and the organisation’s overall strategy.
Thriving culture and excellent leadership
where people feel engaged and invested in the success of the organisation.
Policies and ways of working
supportive of life in and outside of work, through flexibility and radical trust.
So if you want to become the place to work for the best talent in your industry because of your standout Employee Value Proposition, give us a call… the experts that have been making work better for over 30 years.
Make the call and speak with us
The benefits of working with Investors in People
..and the chance to share your story with our community of over 1.25 million people and a community of over 3,500 organisations
* – source: Investors in People Community Impact Survey, 2024
** – source: Gallup Meta Analysis Q4, 2024
*** – source: IIP & Emotional Logic Strategic Stakeholder Report, 2021