Smashing through the biggest employee engagement barriers

How do you build a team of motivated, driven people that strive towards both their goals, and that of your organisation? Join us to find out

Date and Time: 28 July 2022 1:00 pm

Location: Online

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A lack of alignment, information, recognition, balance and direction are said to be the 5 biggest barriers to employee engagement.

So how can you smash through them, to build a team of motivated, driven people that strive towards both their goals, and that of your organisation?

We’re joined by Emily Christmas, HR Manager at Platinum accredited Carrington West, who were also a Winner at The Investors in People Awards 2021.

Emily will be taking you through the engagement journey that Carrington West have recently embarked on, particularly exploring their approach to engagement through the pandemic, and what they’re focusing on now.

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